User Not Found | Jun 03, 2016
Sensitive script invited to a place in the Margaret Herrick Library

Beverly Hills, California: It is not the first time it has happened for Yash Raj Films, but it has certainly happened the fastest. Barely a day had gone by post the release of "Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi" that the Oscar library had made a request for the script for its permanent collection. The sensitivity of the screenplay and the unusual love story attracted the attention of the staff at the library right away. The scripts in the collection reside at the Margaret Herrick Library and are made accessible for research purposes only; students, filmmakers, writers and actors are among the regular patrons. Screenplays may only be viewed in the library; they do not circulate. Also, no screenplay is allowed to be photocopied.
The invitation is recognition that the screenplay of "Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi" stands out from the crowd - not just among Indian movies but movies released worldwide. As the movie goes from strength to strength at the box office, it is a tribute to the entire team whose passion, hard work and sheer creative nous, made the film such a refreshing change of pace for jaded audiences.